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Come as often as you can to this one-day program, that presents a systematic approach to self-healing. Learn how to help yourself and others on levels that are beyond words.

  • Via Zoom*
  • Dates and times To Be Decided** for a course open to the general public
  • or Organized by you at your location*** (Dates, Time, and Location negotiable if organized by you)
  • One-day workshop
  • Group size: (Minimum) 8 - 15 (Max)

* If the course is via Zoom, you can be at home and only need your computer or phone to be present for the class session. About a week before the program begins, you will receive an email containing both the class materials, as well as the you code need to enter the portal for the session.

** Don’t miss out on the class you want! Let us know what days and times would work best for you. (401) 369-8115

*** If the course meets at your location, that means that this will be a private program. You and Lakshyan will set the dates, and you take responsibility for the location (home, business, studio, or digitally) and for gathering the other students. The program you organize can be taught taught in-person by Lakshyan at your physical location, or via his Zoom system, so the friends you gather can be in their own locations when they attend. Would you like to know more? Please contact Lakshyan here. ( & (401) 369-8115).

"Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." – Leonard Cohen

"Nobody can bring you peace but yourself." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

One-Day (8 hours) Program: $200

Heal Thy Self: The Power of the Self in Yoga and Psychotherapy

The practice of healing can be made easy enough for anyone to understand, regardless of ability or training. This program presents a systematic approach to self-healing that you can use to help yourself and support others.

Many ordinary life problems: loss, anxiety, relationships, illness or pain, or difficulties at work, affect us on a level that is out of the reach of words. Even the best advice, no matter how supportive, trustworthy, or well intended, often does not ‘go in’.

This program empowers you to listen and to understand yourself, and to assist others, on levels that are beyond words.

This daylong workshop uses meditative techniques, simple yoga practices, and group exercises in listening skills and sensitivity. You will work individually, in pairs, and in small group.

  • Learn more about how the Meditative State is the active ingredient in almost every non-medical therapy, and especially in yoga and psychotherapy
  • Increase your sensitivity and skill by using your body and mind -as a way to keep in touch with your needs.
  • Use your signs of mental and physical distress for both relief and problem solving
  • Gain basic skills in a meditative approach to psychotherapy that you can use on your own or with the help of others.
  • Observe the process of a therapy session. Increase your appreciation of the structure and process of a healing experience.
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