Extremely effective
This is BJ calling… It is Wed night at about 8 o’clock at night. I’m just on my way home from work. First of all I wanted to let you know that the session today was great!… I think that some of those skills that we had done there, for my anxiety, even though my day was stressful, were very effective… So I wanted to first.. well, you know.. I’m going to take credit for the work.. humm.. but you also helped with that. So thank you very, very much. I know it was a 2-way street but you definitely helped me with your expertise.. and I want to thank you for that.. I’m going to be honest with you. I’ve been in therapy before and like I said, my co-worker, Fran, had highly recommended you, and said that you challenge.. you know, you do challenge me. You ask me questions that I’ve never been asked, and I think they are very helpful, and it’s going to help me through. So you are extremely effective. I wanted to thank you for that… and I look forward to continuing working with you.